Winter Skincare: Top Recommendations From Our Staff

Winter Skincare: Top Recommendations From Our Staff

Winter Skincare: Top Recommendations From Our Staff

Winter has come, and you know what that means! Dry skin, and a whole array of skincare products. So we've asked our lovely staff members what their favouite winter products are!

Maggie - PR & Creative Assistant

Product Rec: Hada Labo Goku-Jyun Cream

"As someone with naturally dry skin, this cream is an absolute LIFE SAVER during the harsh winter weather - a little goes a long way, and it contains hyaluronic acid which helps boost hydration retention, and helps to keep your face feeling fresh and supple."

Anya - Operations Manager

Product Rec: The Ordinary’s Organic Pressed Argan Oil

“My winter skincare essential is the Ordinary’s Organic Pressed Argan Oil. It's great for hydrating not only my skin but also my hair during the colder, drier months. It's packed full of vitamins and fatty acids and is a great, cheap and nourishing treat for the skin. I apply twice a day and any time my skin is really feeling the cold”

Myra - Graphic Designer

Product Rec:  The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%

"For my skincare, I don’t know if it's specifically because of winter but I find myself often going back to The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%! Since my skin is on the sensitive side and prone to breaking out (especially now that we have to always wear masks) I find this helps a lot in keeping my skin calmer."

Belinda - Digital Copywriter

Product Rec: Laneige Lip Mask

“I’m someone who loves a good dark matte lip, so in winter my lips tend to crack to the extreme and that is NOT a look. So I highly recommend this product, after you exfoliate your lips for the night, apply this as a mask and wake up to the most luscious lips. Keep wearing those gorgeous matte lips without the stress of cracked lips.”