Ease Your Mind With Mindfulness

Ease Your Mind With Mindfulness

Ease Your Mind With Mindfulness

What Is Mindfulness?

Before you delve into this new world, it’s important to know what it is. Mindfulness refers to the ability to be completely present during the moment; to be aware of your surroundings, to be conscious of what you’re doing and to not react extremely to what is occurring around you. This practice’s primary purpose is to wake up our mental, emotional and physical processes to ensure that we are more conscious of our actions, less stressed and more mindful of ourselves. 
To successfully achieve mindfulness, meditation is key. The art of meditation advocates for exploring our internal minds such as; wondering through sensations (fresh summer breeze felt by the sea), emotions (love, hate, sadness) and thoughts. All of this exploring is done in order to connect our body, mind and soul to create one unit. 

Why Should You Do It?

In this current society, life is fast paced and that creates immense stress. Mindfulness is a great way to process our feelings and prepare for the days ahead. Here are the benefits that come from participating in this practice;
Research taken from APA
Regulate Emotions; when you practice mindfulness regularly you’ll find yourself experiencing less emotional outbursts and more insightful thinking
Better Levels Of Focus; you become more connected with yourself rather than external distractions
Less Stress; the mostly commonly known benefit and this was found by the American Psychological Association, who stated that “the participants who experienced mindfulness-based stress reduction had significantly less anxiety, depression and somatic distress compared with the control group.”

How To Do It

1. Find A Quiet Place
2. Try A Guided Mindfulness Audio/Video 
3. Assign At Least 5-10 Minutes Daily
4. Reap The Rewards